Challenge 2003 Event Evaluation
been getting a lot of naysayers, most of whom happen to be
close friends, so maybe I'm in over my head more than I think.
At any rate, there isn't really one hard thing on the list,
except breatholding which is sort of do or don't. But here a
quick rundown of my take on each, which may prove to be
humorous later.
- Here are my last-minute thoughts (in orange), just to record
how far off I am... or not... HA!
In order
to raise $4,300 for The Concern Foundation (funding cancer
research) and raise $4,300 for The Friends Of Joshua Tree,
I will attempt:
never done any fundraising before, this is a total mystery. I
can on to things pretty quickly, but won't have much time to
delve as I'm busy enough already. So, really, I might raise 10
grand or 10 cents. I have absolutely no idea.
- Way off. I have the three part and not the 4. We were
sidetracked by the FOJT web server being down til pretty much
today, so we'll do some last minute spamming and see what we
can get.
athletic events over 43 hours ending midnight on Nov 22nd
The time
factor is huge. If all goes well, this should take around 36
hours, not counting eating, sleeping, driving, etc
- Climb
43 sport climbing routes (at least 3 out of every 4 must
be 5.10 and above)
routes I’ve done this year in a day is 9. Most sport routes
that I’ve ever heard of done by anyone is 68, by me, and
that took a long day in itself when I was a better climber.
I’ve done 100 trad pitches but that’s oodles easier
because you can climb easy terrain. By far the most time
consuming activity on the list, and probably the most worrisome.
For reference, leading 33 routes 10 years ago thrashed me
pretty good. Then again, I did 400 boulder problems when
pretty beat up, so who knows what I'll be able to do.
- Have now done 22 routes, plus re-con'd most of the routes.
Can happen if all else goes well.
- Lift
43 tons in the gym (86,000lbs)
Not as
hard as it sounds and I’ve done it before on several
occasions. Of course, it was only thing I did on those days.
- Didn't get to give this a test run, so I'm worried.
- 430
pull-ups/bar dips or hanging straight-leg raises
because I might physically just break down. Would be hard
doing nothing else BUT this.
- Blasted this off in a bit over an hour-and-a-half, but it's
going to prove different, especially with the climbing.
- 430
- 430
- 430
leg lifts
- 430
jumping jacks
stuff to do. Not particularly challenging on its own, this
will definitely add up.
- Did it in 45 minutes.
- Mountain
bike 43 kilometers (26.6 miles)
This is a
long mtn bike ride. Will take some time and I’ll have to
find a good course.
- Haven't ridden my mtb at all.
- Road
bike 43 miles
Not as
simple as it sounds. While easy, 43 miles still takes
something out of your legs.
- Haven't ridden much. Test drove the course today. Easy on
its own but looked pretty long in the scope of this day
- Run
4.3 miles (in under 34 minutes)
- Hike
4.3 kilometers 3.4 times (8 miles)
Easy, but...
- Surf
2 hours 43 minute (catch at least 4 X 3 waves)
I cramped
trying to surf after a hard bike ride last weekend. Since
I’m way out of my element, this is going to be difficult to
have it not affect me much in later events.
- Haven't surfed nearly enough. Hoping it's one of those
sports you get better at through visualization alone.
- Hold
breath 2 minutes and 43 seconds
I can do
it or I can’t. Did 2 minutes on my first practice go. So if
I can practice enough I should be able to manage it.
- Have not done well. About 2:15 is tops so far.
- Paddle
4.3 miles in a kayak
Not hard
on its own but a logistical irritant. I’ll figure something
out. Also has the "I never practice" factor that I
must figure in.
- Way off on my organization here. Haven't paddled a lick.
- 43-point
game of 2 on 2 beach volleyball
logistical issue that has a major cramp factor. It’s always
that things that seems fun that get ya…
- 43
yoga poses for 43 seconds
- Throw
43 strikes (from regulation 60’6”)
- Make
43 free throws shooting better than 75% (3/4)
- Throw
43 rocks for Tuco
- 43
games of roshambo (winning 4 to 3 losses)
- Juggle
3 balls for 40 seconds
- 43
X 43-second massages for support team
All just fun and games
- Will
commit 43 random acts of kindness
- Hand
out 43 dog treats to dogs other than Tuco
- Make
a list of 43 movies that every person should see and give
it to 43 friends
- Entertain
those 43 friends at Manny’s El Matador (again open)
the pluses...
Where I
- Eat
4.3 Kingpin apple fritters
- Drink
4.3 cocktails
- Drink
4.3 beers
- Pass
Out (Optional)
the last is a certainty. I'm not even going to talk about the
fritters, as their record speaks for itself!
- Nothing else has been a blip on the radar. We'll see!