"I Rule!"  

Name: Reed Bartlett

Birthday: September 6, 1966

Occupation: 5.10 Guru

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The Resolution 2001

35 minutes of exercise (at least) every damn day of the year

The Challenge:

34k run

34 mile bike

68 boulder problems

34 beers/cigarettes (any combination of the two).


On September 3rd, 2000, Reed "Bubba" Bartlett completed one of the most well-organized challenges thus far.

Senor Leer's prep was beyond compare in a similar event so far. Besides passing out detailed itineraries to anyone that he thought may have any interest in taking part, he also clued them in with a little history of the event as well.

As is usual--it's a challenge, right--some things were beyond planning for and most everyone agreed, especially Reed, that his last-minute foresight to start the run at midnight instead of in the morning was a key element to success.

Here is the Senor's chronicle of the days events and final kudos and results.

Leer, proving who's The Mack.