29th, 2004
up, drank some coffee and had some toast.
Turned on the computer, registered to vote so I can help get that
cocksmoking, idiotic, greedy liar out of office.
2. Drove to Inspiration Point. 3.3 miles. Ran up it. 38.01 (lost of
elevation gain)
3. Drove to Rattlesnake. 3.5 miles. Ran up it. 40.07 (even more
elevation gain)
4. Drove to Cooper's Ranch. Did a set of 33 pull ups. 33 push ups.
33 Hanging Leg Raises. 33 Lunges.
5. Ran up Glen Annie Road. 3.3 miles. 26.37. Too long a rest and
tired. (but less elevation gain)
6. Back to Deb's. Ate Huevos ala Mexicana at EL Buen Gusto.
7. Lizard's Mouth. Attempted to clean up graffiti which has been
sprayed ALL OVER Sunset Blvd. Didn't work so good. Did 33 boulder
problems, 11 V3 or harder. Harder than you'd expect for me, however
if you knew my climbing condition...
8. Beer at Deb's.
9. Arnoldi's for dinner. Wine, spaghetti with meatballs.
10. Beers at Jimmy's.
